Trading conditions of Väliturg OÜ
for the traders

1. General conditions

1.1 Trading conditions for traders (hereinafter trading conditions) is a document that defines the conduct of traders in the outdoor market of the Pärnu Market (hereinafter the market)

1.2 A trader is a legal or natural person offering and selling goods or providing and rendering services at the point of sale, on the territory of the market. For the purposes of these trading terms, the term ‘trader’ also includes a seller or other person/employee working under the trader’s authority.

1.3 The point of sale is a Market Building, room, counter /table or part thereof, area in the building or outdoor area to be provided for the use of the trader for the period of sale on the basis of a lease contract or sales ticket, where the trader directly offers and sells goods or offers and provides services from the market-owned or its own inventory.

2. Implementation of trading conditions

2.1 All market traders, including the personnel serving them (sellers, suppliers, etc.), are required to comply with the trading conditions.

2.2 The trading conditions are available on the website of Pärnu Market: as well as on paper at the market hostess.

2.3 The trader is obliged to familiarize himself or herself with the trading conditions, and also to inform his or her relevant employees and, if necessary, to inform his or her suppliers.

2.4 Issues not regulated by trading conditions are governed by the legislation in force in the Republic of Estonia.

2.5 Control over compliance with the trading conditions shall be exercised by the market hostess (hereinafter hostess), if necessary, also by the head of the institution.

2.6 In case of violation of trading conditions, the market has the right to impose sanctions and demand compensation from the trader for the damage caused.

3. Trading rights

3.1 The right to trade at the market is granted by a sales ticket or lease agreement.

3.2 The sales ticket is issued by the hostess. The price list of sales tickets is located at the market checkout.

3.3 The sales ticket must be purchased and paid for before the start of the sales period. The sales period can be one day or a calendar month. Half-month tickets are not issued by the market.

3.4 The seller must keep the sales ticket issued by the hostess until the end of the sales period and be ready to show it to the entitled person throughout the sales period.

3.5 The sale ticket can be paid in cash to the hostess or, to a legal person on the basis of an invoice resulting from a prior agreement.

3.6 The amount paid for the sales ticket issued or part thereof shall not be refunded except for in extraordinary case, by written application.

3.7 If there are available outlets, it is possible to book the outlet in advance. To book a point of sale, contact the market hostess, or on the spot – at the Market checkout; by phone: +372 538 06 639 or by email: 

3.8 Letting the point of sale into sub-use is PROHIBITED!

3.9 It is prohibited to arbitrarily occupy a point of sale without previously agreeing with the market hostess and without paying for the point of sale.

3.10 In the event of a prohibited activity, the market has the right to cancel the sales ticket and demand that the trader leave the market territory. The sales ticket fee is not refunded to the trader.

4. Trading order

4.1 Trade in firearms and illegal goods i (incl. narcotic drugs, tobacco products and pirated products) and selling substandard goods at the market is prohibited.

4.2 The trader is obliged to:

4.2.1 When trading at the market, comply with the legislation of the Republic of Estonia (the laws listed below), as well as the requirements of the Veterinary and Food Board;

4.2.2 Ensure compliance of the goods with the requirements established by law;

4.2.3 Ensure the correctness of billing on the sale of goods and the accuracy of measurement in accordance with the Measurement Act. Only electronic scales may be used to weigh foodstuffs. Trader is responsible for scale verification;

4.2.4 Design and furnish your outlet in accordance with safety instructions and prevent accidents and health damage at work. The design and furnishing of the outlet must be coordinated with the market hostess;

4.2.5 Fit your goods within the boundaries of the point of sale and keep the area around the point of sale clean and tidy;

4.2.6 Monitor and, if necessary, take care to ensure that the entrance to its outlet is clean and safe for visitors;

4.2.7 At the end of the last day of validity of the sales ticket, the trader undertakes to organize the point of sale, clean the trading area(s) and take away his inventory;

4.2.8 Removal of market inventory from market territory is prohibited;

4.2.9 Sort garbage according to the Waste Act;

4.2.10 Traders with one-day sales tickets are obliged to take their unsold goods and inventory with them when leaving at the end of the day and organize the point of sale. For an untidy point of sale or non-compliance with the waste law, the Market has the right to demand a fine of € 30.- (thirty euros) for the time. On-the-spot or retroactive presentation of evidence;

4.2.11 Park vehicles in a designated place (if there are available places, on the territory of the market, paying the parking fee according to the price list)

4.2.12 The sale of goods from commercial vehicles takes place in a designated place. IT IS FORBIDDEN TO SELL ON THE TERRITORY OF THE CITY.

4.2.13 Alcohol consumption and smoking are prohibited on the market territory (except for designated place)

5. Market hours

5.1 Opening hours:

5.1.1 The market building is open all days of the week from 8:00 to 21: 00

5.1.2 The outdoor market is open during the summer period from 7:00 to 16:00 on all days of the week, and during the winter period from Tuesday to Sunday from 8:00 to 15 :00 and closed on Monday.

5.2 The Market has the right to change the opening hours of the market on public holidays and before holidays. Traders will be informed of changes in opening hours by the Market website, Facebook page and, if necessary, by the market hostess orally.

6. Liability of the trader

6.1 The trader bears material responsibility for the damage caused to the institution due to his deliberate or imprudent (frivolity, negligence) behavior.

6.2 The trader is responsible for the preservation and maintenance of the point of sale/ inventory received from the institution. In case of damage to the inventory, the trader is obliged to compensate for the cost of the damaged item or its restoration.

6.3 The trader is also liable for material damage caused to the Market by his supplier and is obliged to compensate for the damage caused.

6.4 The trader is responsible for sorting garbage/waste (Waste Act § 5; § 14)! For garbage/waste placed in the wrong container, the trader undertakes to pay all additional costs incurred by the Market (additional invoices provided by the service provider, fees for cleaning, washing containers and other additional costs).



Waste Act
Trademark Law
Trade Act
Language Act
Competition law
VAT law
Measurement Act
Packaging Excise Duty Act
Packaging Act
Consumer Protection Act
Food Act

Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and and of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety

Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of the European Parliament April 2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament, 29. April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs

Directive 2005/29 / EC of the European Parliament, 11. May 2005 concerning unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices in the internal market (Directive on unfair business-to-consumer transactions)

Product Conformity Act